Helpful Links

Helpful Links

At the West End Vet Office, we realize our clients like to do a lot of their own research. We also realize that some of the information on the web is less than reliable. Therefore,we would like to offer the following links as “good places” to start – with the understanding that even here, not all of the information is accurate. We would also like to provide you with a link to the VIN (Veterinary Information Network) library. VIN is the world’s first and largest online veterinary community, where new articles are added weekly by the experts at VIN to make sure that our readers have the most current veterinary information available.

In addition to the Pet Health Care Library, we have provided the following links to websites that provide some great information on a variety of topics related to veterinary medicine and pet health care. We will update this page frequently and would love to hear your ideas on links that you would like to see us add to this page to share with other pet owners. Feel free to send us your favorites and we may add them to our list! 


Veterinary Partner is the world’s first and largest online veterinary community. This is a reliable site to find information on almost any topic, written by veterinarians. 

General Veterinary:

This site is a good starting point to learn more about a variety of topics, including feline injection-site sarcomas and the latest subjects in veterinary medicine. 

Database of disease information which lists basic descriptions and symptoms. Searchable by symptom or diagnosis. 

CAPC website which discusses parasites and pet ownership – very comprehensive site. 

This is the website of the National Animal Poison Control Center. It includes a library, links to other sites, and phone numbers for the poison control center. 

Diabetes education plus resources to communicate with others and find emotional support. 

Pet Loss and Grieving

Rainbow BridgeThis is a site dedicated as a tribute to our lost companions. 

Dog Links:

American Heartworm SocietyPet owner information, treatment guidelines and answers to frequently asked questions.

Dog ParksPlaces to visit while traveling with your pet.

Fido FinderWhere lost dogs are found.

Cat Links:

American Association of Feline Practioners

The AAFP is like the American Medical Association for cat doctors, and has lots of good information regarding feline health.

Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine

A series of how-to videos provided by Cornell University’s Feline Health Center.


Radioactive iodine therapy for cats with hyperthyroidism.

Company sponsored site discussing the pros and cons of Radioactive Iodine Therapy as a treatment for hyperthyroid cats.


Feline hyperthyroid treatment facilities.

American Heartworm Association

Pet owner information, treatment guidelines and answers to frequently asked questions.


Royal Canin Pet Care

Nutrition information from the company that produces Royal Canin, Waltham and IVD Diets.

Purina Pet Care Center

Nutrition information from the company that produces Purina Foods.

Hills Health Center

Nutrition information from the company that produces Science Diet and Prescription Diets. 


Lafeber Company Homepage

Nutrition and bird care information from the company that produces Lafeber bird food.

Veterinary Partner Bird Information

ZuPreem Nutrition Programs

Harrison’s Bird Foods


Veterinary Partner Ferret Information


The House Rabbit Society

Basic rabbit care and dietary information as well as information on rabbit behavior, medicine, and surgery.

Veterinary Partner Rabbit Information

Guinea Pigs:

Veterinary Partner Guinea Pig Information


Veterinary Partner Hamster Information


Veterinary Partner Reptile Information

Handicapped Pets:

K-9 Carts for Paralyzed Animals

Company which produces wheelchairs for disabled pets of all types.

Pet Safety Belts

One of the most important safety products for you and your dog; a comfortable, safe, and attractive seat belt. More than just seatbelts – general supplies for the handicapped pet.